Chemistry; Blackman

Chemistry animations

Gravimetric analysis of lead in galena

Boiling and electrolysing water

Testing molecular polarity

Water: an ionising solvent


Equilibrium in saturated sodium chloride solution

Complete and incomplete combustion

Temperature and reaction rate

Catalysis: hydrogenation of ethylene

Bromination of ethylene

Addition polymerisation of ethylene

Condensation of an amine with a carboxylic acid

Condensation polymerisation

Indirect hydration of ethylene

Dehydration of ethanol

Metal displacement

Galvanic cell

Production of a transuranic element

Changing the position of an equilibrium - concentration

Changing the position of an equilibrium - gas pressure

Modelling ionisation of acid molecules

Proton transfer



The Haber process

Testing for chloride ions

Testing for lead ions

Formation and decomposition of ozone

CFC decomposition of ozone

Floc formation in water purification